Alternate Uses for GlueTread

Alternate Uses for GlueTread

While we designed GlueTread to repair sidewall damage of off road vehicles, we’ve learned this dangerously tough rubber and strong adhesive can be used to repair… well, almost anything. Remember the days of "duck tape fixes everything"? We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but it’s likely GlueTread is the new duck tape ;)

But don’t just take our word for it! We’ll be using customer feedback to demonstrate a few alternate ways you can use a GlueTread kit. We hope these examples get your creative juices flowing to repair that broken item you’ve been wanting to fix.

Alternate Use for GlueTread #1: Most Useful Award

Shoes! If you have a pair of shoes that fit just right but their tread has worn down enough to ensure you’ll slip in a mud puddle this spring, we’ve got just the solution. Simply cut a few GlueTread patches into smaller pieces and use our adhesive to reapply the tread to your shoes. Customers have given new life to Chacos, Crocs, tennis shoes and boots!

Alternate Use for GlueTread #2: Most Adventurous Award

Mountain Bike Tires! Although GlueTread was originally designed for motorized off road vehicles, Jason, a recent customer, patched his mountain bike tire. Jason, pictured below, said, “I used your sealant on large puncture for my mountain bike tire. Bicycle tire are running $80-120 now and I didn’t want to throw this basically brand new tire away…  I rode for 5 days in some rocky conditions in Northwest Arkansas and never had an issue.” 

Alternate Use for GlueTread #3: Most Useful for Summer Award

Paddle Boarding! With summer just around the corner, it’s time to break out the water gear and hit the lake! Just incase your paddle board has a leak, GlueTread is just the answer. A recent customer reported using our kit to restore her otherwise unusable paddle board.

Alternate Use for GlueTread #4: Most Unique Award

A Turbohose! You can imagine how surprised we were when we heard that one of our kits was used to repair a turbo hose in the mountains of Idaho. Just incase you were worried about the integrity of our adhesive, I hope this calms your worries. Although we don’t have a picture for this one, you simply can’t make this kind of thing up.

Alternate Use for Gluetread #5: Most Likely to Make GlueTread the Next Duct Tape

Patching the actual wheel itself! Recent Customer David McCarthy stated, “A rock got stuck between the caliper and wheel and put a hole in the actual wheel. I pulled the tire off, flattened out the hole and put a patch on it. I rode it the rest of the day and the tire still has air three days later. This is a great product.” We hope this one gets you on board that GlueTread is the next Duct tape (Yano, it can fix anything!).

Now that you have the encouragement to fix the random household item you thought was bound for the dumpster, let us know what you'll be fixing with GlueTread in the comments below! 


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